An old friend from Vietnam recently visited me. He said more Vietnamese were affected by heart disease. Some of them had sudden deaths which many Vietnamese folks labeled as "trung gio." Quite a few of these "trung gio" turned out lethal heart attacks.
Heart attack, also known as myocardial infarction (MI), is prevalent in the U.S. Its prevalence is increasing in other countries. It is life-threatening and expensive to society. INTERHEART, a worldwide study of patients from 52 countries, identified 9 risk factors that accounted for 90 percent of a first heart attack. These risk factors are preventable. They are:
- cigarette smoking
- high cholesterol
- high blood pressure
- diabetes
- abdominal obesity ("beer belly")
- stress
- lack of daily consumption of fruits and vegetables
- regular alcohol drinking
- lack of regular excercise.
For those who want to learn more about heart disease in Vietnamese, American Heart Association website is a good start. Vietnamese publications are under development at this site. I paste a link below.
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